Triinu Hiob heads NJORD Law Firm’s dispute resolution practice in Tallinn. For 20 years she has advised and represented a great variety of domestic and international private companies as well as state authorities on most complex disputes throughout all court instances. Additionally, Triinu has served as council and/or arbitrator under various institutional arbitration rules, including those of the ICC, SCC, FAI, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Estonian insurance arbitration board. From July 2018 till June 2024, for two consecutive terms of mandate, Triinu Hiob was an Estonian member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. She regularly acts as a conciliator of the insurance conciliation body of the Estonian Insurance Association.

Triinu Hiob has taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu and regularly participates in the work of the LL.M. final oral defence committees.


The Chambers Global Guide and Chambers Europe Guide have ranked Triinu Hiob in band 4 in dispute resolution, quoting a source: “She has always anticipated the commercial view of the client and met its expectations”, praising her for the ability to offer strategy in cross-border disputes. 

The Legal 500 EMEA recommends Triinu Hiob as a leading individual in dispute resolution, quoting sources that say that “NJORD’s team is led by Triinu Hiob who is an extraordinary attorney with remarkable expertise in the fields of insurance and arbitration” and “Triinu Hiob is an exceptionally collegial lawyer with great knowledge of the law and ability to communicate all key points in a concise and to-the-point manner.” A further source says: “Triinu Hiob is an experienced litigator with a sense for the ultimate business goal, not only the litigation / arbitration target, that the clients are pursuing. Wonderful team player and very sensitive to cultural differences. Always a pleasure to work with.”

  • ICC Guide to National Procedures for Recognition and Enforcement of Awards under the New York Convention. – Country rapporteur for Estonia
  • Interview to the blog Digital Coffee Break in Arbitration, 03.01.2022
  • Estonia: Public Policy Must Be Interpreted Narrowly”. Kluwer Arbitration Blog 09.10.2021
  • Academic article on the rights of the injured party in relations with the liability insurer: “Kahjustatud isiku õigused suhetes kahju tekitaja vastutuskindlustusandjaga”. Juridica, 7/2018 (available in Estonian with an English summary)
  • Article on overproduction of laws: „Kas iga asja jaoks on vaja uut seadust?“. Äripäev, 16.01.2019 (available only in Estonian).
  • “3 different ways of solving business disputes – which one to choose?”, published in Estonian by Ä, 16.01.2018. Read the English version HERE
  • “Three key questions for a solid business contract!”, published in Estonian by Ä, 11.01.2018. Read the English version HERE
  • Academic article on working time of road transportation freight transport sector employees: “Maanteetranspordi kaubaveo sektori töötajate töö- ja puhkeaeg” published by Juridica, the law journal of Estonia, III 2017. (available in Estonian with an English summary)
  • 2008-2015 a co-author and 2010-2015 the chief editor of the quarterly renewable employment law handbook “Töösuhete käsiraamat” which is published by the leading daily business newspaper Äripäev
  • “The Variegated Landscape of Mediation. A Comparative Study of Mediation Regulation and Practices in Europe and the World” Manon Schoneville and Dr Fred Schoneville (eds.). Eleven International Publishing, 2014. – author for the Estonian chapter
  • Article on ICC arbitration: “Advokaat selgitab: homsest muutuvad Rahvusvahelise Kaubanduskoja vahekohtu reeglid”. ä, 28.02.2017. (available only in Estonian)
  • Article on enforcement of arbitral awards in Estonia: “Eesti vahekohtute otsused ei ole enam otsetäidetavad”. Ä 22.04.2016. (available only in Estonian)
  • Article on arbitration: “Vahekohtute vähene reguleeritus ei ole puudus, vaid eelis”. ä, 14.11.2015. (available only in Estonian)
  • “Estonian Parliament declares disputes arising out of consumer credit agreements will be non-arbitrable”. Thomson Reuters – Practical Law, 1.04.2015.
  • “Supreme Court of Estonia clarifies parties’ right to seek review of court decisions enforcing arbitral awards”. Thomson Reuters – Practical Law, 06.01.2015
Public speaking engagements
  • June 2024 moderator for the panel “Latest Developments and Challenges in the Region: An Overview“at the Conference “Arbitration & ADR in Georgia and the Wider Region“ in Tbilisi, Georgia
  • May 2022 panelist for ”Challenges and Opportunities for Arbitration – The Baltics, Poland, Romania and Ukraine” at the Eastern Europe & CIS International Arbitration Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia
  • May 2022 speaker at the seminar ”Arbitration at various institutions” (organizer ICC Estonia)
  • August 2021 panelist for ”IT in Arbitration” at the international arbiration conference ”10. Baltic Arbitration Days” in Riga, Latvia
  • February 2018, panelist at the YACF seminar “Ethical standards and sustainability in international business”
  • April 2018, speaker at the seminar “Trade in the EU. Parties’ rights” organized by the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce
  • April 2016, panelist at the seminar “Beginning with the end in mind – how do enforcement options affect public dispute resolution strategy?” organized by the Young Arbitration Club Finland
  • November 2015, presentation on “Resolution of international commercial disputes” at the ICC Estonia’s competence course
  • September and November 2013, speaking about “Prevention of disputes. How to conclude a strong contract?” at the cross-border business seminars in Tallinn and Stockholm organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry
  • Estonian Bar Association (admitted in 2003)
  • Professional Suitability Assessment Committee of the Estonian Bar Association
  • ICC International Court of Arbitration (2018-2024)
  • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), an Estonian member
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration, an Estonian member (2016-2022)
  • Conciliator of the insurance conciliation body of the Estonian Insurance Association
  • Arbitrator at the Estonian insurance arbitration board

2017–           Attorney at Law / Partner, NJORD Law Firm

2015–2016   Attorney at Law / Associate Partner, NJORD Law Firm

2009–2015   Visiting lecturer, University of Tartu Faculty of Law

2003–2015   Associate and Senior Associate, COBALT Law Firm (previously LAWIN)

2005            Intern, Arzinger&Partner Attorneys at Law, Berlin, Germany

2001–2002   Lawyer, Salva Insurance Ltd

2000–2001   Lawyer, City Government of Tartu/housing agency


2023   SCC/SAA Diploma course on international arbitration for foreign arbitrators

2015   AIA Brussels Arbitration School (ABAS), a five day intensive training program on arbitration, completed with an ABAS arbitrator certificate

2010   University of Tartu, Magister Iuris(mag. Iur.) academic degree

2001   University of Tartu


Estonian, English, German (full working proficiency), Spanish (limited working proficiency).

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