NJORD Estonia: Can foreigners continue to work in Estonia?
Foreigners who have a legal basis for staying in Estonia as of March 12, 2020, and who are registered with the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB) can continue to work here. The prerequisite for this is that they have an employer in Estonia who so wishes and who re-registers their short-term employment with the Police and Border Guard Board.

The maximum permitted short-term working time is 365 days for 455 consecutive days and for seasonal work 270 days for 365 consecutive days. These periods cannot be extended. Therefore, the employer must be careful to ensure that all employees are registered and that deadlines are not exceeded. On March 19, 2020, the Police and Border Guard Board continued to receive and process applications for the registration of short-term employment.
The Police and Border Guard advises foreigners who have a legal basis for a temporary stay in Estonia, but who no longer have a job in Estonia, to return to their country of residence as soon as possible if border crossings and transport allow.
Information on foreigners staying and working in Estonia can also be found on the website of the PBGB:
In Estonian https://www2.politsei.ee/et/teenused/eestis-tootamine/
In English https://www2.politsei.ee/en/teenused/working-in-estonia/